For a long time, I didn't know much about skincare. Until recently, all I did was cleanse my face to remove my make up. Michelle from Just a lil Glow Facebook group, Brown Girl Skincare Collective is a great resource that got me into experimenting with skincare. SKINCARE TIPS Susan Yara from Mixed Makeup shares some great skincare tips and advice. Here is her YouTube channel and blog OILY…
- Category: Beauty -
I critique advertising and in many instances, I do this unintentionally. Too many campaigns negate women of colour and plus size women. I occupy both of these spaces and the limited representation is problematic. I am thrilled to see Canadian specific advertising campaigns such as Sephora Canada's campaign's #WithSephora (more…)
I have donned many natural hair dos- cornrows, twist outs, and bantu knots. This was before the natural hair movement began to get the momentum that it has now. You name it; I've worn that crown. When I got my first weave my guy friend compliments me and says, "Damn girl I love your hair. Dem damn Cecile braids had to go.… you're a woman now." I am a woman…
WOC Beauty is a deluxe beauty subscription box service for Canadian women of colour. This post took longer than I intended. On my blog I reflect on issues that affect plus size women, black women and women of colour. It's important that do my research and provide thoughtful and critical posts. Let's get into this brand review and discuss the challenges that Canadian beauty brands face. (more…)
I spend hours of my life watching make-up tutorials and beauty product reviews on YouTube. Cosmetics from mainstream brands for women of colour tend to be extensions of already established and successful product lines. Many of these said brands cater to light beige, medium beige, dark beige, neon beige, cool beige, warm beige, and beige complexions. When you are not just dark, but a deep dark skin woman, finding make-up…
About Me

My name is Patrice Rhone and I am a marketing professional, fashion fanatic and 80’s baby from Toronto with Jamaican roots. The blog is a series of fashion centric personal essays. I reflect on issues that affect plus size women, black women and women of colour.