Lucky St Patrick’s Day: A Birthday Slay
It’s St. Patrick’s Day and my birthday y’all so why not blog! I bought this dress for no other reason than it being delicious so I am indulging. Typically, we associate St Patrick Day’s with green but I am making it all about sequins and feathers. I will not go into the history or meaning of the day however, if you are looking for some green outfit inspiration check out this post. I am using this opportunity to talk about luck.
In 2020, around St Patrick’s day, Toronto was shut down by Covid and without question, I felt very unlucky.
Why me?
Why now?
What am I going to do?
What’s going to happen next?
After I finished my ‘woe is me’ moment I thought about how can I be more supportive intentional given that I am still so lucky. Here is a gentle reminder.
If you’re lucky enough to do well, it’s your responsibility to send the elevator back down.
Kevin Spacey
If you can help or support anyone right now-a friend, a colleague, a small business please do. Many times we don’t remember how lucky we are so please pay it forward.